Our Founder

Jeff Eversmann

Jeff Eversmann's career spans from technology startups to commercial real estate and private equity, marking him as a multidisciplinary expert. His commitment to innovation and role as an educator and author underline his value to high-growth enterprises. With a focus on helping companies grow their revenue from $10M to $100M, Jeff integrates his expertise in Modeling & Forecasting, Fundraising, and Audit Preparation. As an Adjunct Instructor at Concordia University Texas, he imparts his knowledge by teaching an MBA class in Entrepreneurship & Innovation. His book, "Fooled by Early Adopters," offers insights for innovators.

Jeff's diverse experience in technology startups and venture capital uniquely positions him to understand the challenges startups face in financial management. His journey inspired him to create a service firm focused on areas critical to startup growth: financial modeling & forecasting, fundraising, and audit preparation. Recognizing these as common hurdles, Jeff leverages his multidisciplinary expertise to provide tailored solutions, helping startups navigate complex financial landscapes and achieve sustainable growth.